B2B Video Comes of Age: 5 Steps to Make the Most of Video Storytelling

Think about it. How did you make your most recent buying decision? If you’re like 91% of consumers, you likely watched a video or two to find out more about a product or service. Overall, 69% of consumers say short videos are their preferred way to learn about products and explore options.*

For marketers, the numbers are eye-opening. Over the last five years, video marketing has grown exponentially, with video uploads increasing a staggering 264%.* There’s no doubt video has moved beyond trendy or nice-to-have to become a cornerstone element of successful marketing strategies. And it’s not just a B2C thing. Eighty-six percent of companies use video as part of their marketing strategies, with 87% of marketers reporting that video provides a positive return on investment.*

Still, there’s a lot of room for B2B marketers to do more – and get more out of – video as a core tactic within their marketing strategies. As the video landscape continues to evolve rapidly, here are five ways B2B marketers can get jumpstart their video tactics.

  1. Rethink what video production is – and isn’t.
    Too often, video gets nixed from strategy conversations because of concerns about complex production, extended timelines, and costs. But, marketing videos don’t all have to be big-budget, flashy productions. With today’s tech, creating engaging videos is more possible – and affordable – than ever. (Thirty-eight percent of marketers create video content on their smartphones!*)The first step to optimizing video is to redefine it. Whether your objective is to build brand awareness, generate leads, or explain how a product works, the keys to producing a successful video are authenticity, storytelling, and audience connection. Most of the time, all of these can be achieved without a full production crew, complicated logistics, and timeline-stretching post-production.
  2. Put video front and center during planning.
    As you map out marketing plans and campaigns, video has earned a seat at the strategy planning table. It’s a powerful addition to the B2B marketer’s toolbox and integrates quite effectively with traditional tactics like sales materials, lead-gen email campaigns, case studies, and thought leadership.During planning, think outside-the-box to identify where social media-style clips, short-form videos, and in-depth explainer videos could support your strategy. While each video tactic should have its own purpose, they should also work together as part of your overall strategy. As an added bonus, videos created for one purpose, such as a product roll-out, event, or webinar, can be repurposed across platforms without starting from scratch.
  3. Start small and build from there.
    Video content creation can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if it’s outside your comfort zone. We recommend identifying a key campaign or thought leadership initiative where video could have a big impact. Choosing a single initiative gives you a feel for how you can produce and integrate videos throughout the strategy – and define how you’ll gauge the results.We’ve found this kind of incremental approach gives our clients a tangible way to see what it takes to create video content and track the return on investment. Plus, there’s another major reason the approach makes sense. You’re likely to discover that your audiences are hungry for video, so you’ll want to establish a viable plan that enables you to continue to deliver video content over time. Once you understand what works well and the resources required to produce the content, it’s relatively easy to expand your process to additional initiatives.
  4. Know your audience and tailor your video content accordingly.
    This may seem like a no-brainer, but video adds a new dimension to your target audience personas. It’s vital to take the time upfront to find out the types of video content they like to consume and the platforms they hang out on. Are they receptive to videos within email messages? How much time do they spend scrolling on LinkedIn or Instagram? Do they search for video content on YouTube? Do they engage on TikTok?The more intel you can gather on your audience’s preferred formats and viewing habits, the more you can target your video storytelling. It’s always a good idea to build in tests to increase your understanding of what resonates, drives engagement, and delivers the end results you want.
  5. Keep it simple.
    In a world where audiences are bombarded with content 24/7, simplicity is essential for successful marketing videos. It’s estimated that marketers have 2.7 seconds – or less – to capture someone’s attention. In today’s fast-paced digital world, keep your focus on your message. TikTok has shown us the power of short, easily consumable videos. Apply the following lessons when creating video content.

    • Build each video around a strong hook that’s highly personalized for your target audience.
    • Be ruthless about what makes the cut. Get to your point. Don’t dwell. Don’t switch gears. Stay focused on conveying the message and making viewers want to know more.
    • Authenticity wins, every time. Forget about paid actors, stylists, and make-up artists. Showcase the human side of your brand by leaning on internal talent, from senior leaders to front-line customer care teams, to tell your story and share real-life perspectives.
    • Design videos – micro (under 10 seconds), short (15-60 seconds), and longer-form (no more than 3 minutes) – to both stand alone and work together to tell different facets of the story in support of your over-arching strategy and brand.
    • Make sure your visuals pop and clearly align with your message. Leverage technology tools to create high-impact visuals without expensive video shoots and post-production.

If you can’t tell, we’re having fun in our video-centric marketing era! And we’re learning a lot about where video fits in different marketing strategies, what types of videos resonate with B2B audiences, and how to produce high-quality, cost-effective, and results-driving content. I’d love to hear how you’re using video today and what’s on your wish list moving forward. Reach out anytime. In the meantime, we’ll keep sharing our insights on the latest marketing trends here.


* Source: 60 Latest Video Marketing Statistics For 2024: The Complete List

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